
Green Data Center


  Green Data Center

We work on multiple fronts to reduce our environmental impact internally. Work is on-going to improve energy efficiency to lower the environmental footprint of our data centers that are heavy power users. Presently, we rent our data centers, and our new eco-conscious data center will initiate its operation in January 2024. This data center was built with environmental considerations in mind from the design phase and will help us fulfill our environmental responsibility. For existing data center, we will continue with our activities to maximize their energy efficiency.


Embracing Integrated, Eco-conscious Designs

Our Ansan Data Center will be a green data center with integrated, eco-conscious designs that leverage natural conditions and energy-saving technologies. This new data center will have renewable energy infrastructure, high-efficiency energy equipment to improve cooling power efficiency, and a rainwater/graywater/waste heat recycling system. Design and construction work is on-going to keep its PUE(Power Usage Effectiveness) at 1.3 and below with the help of energy-saving technologies. The improvement in energy efficiency gained as such will enable the data center to reduce its energy
consumption and carbon emissions by nearly 15% compared to our existing rented data centers. This will help us cut down on our annual power consumption by over 30GWh and save more than KRW 3 billion in energy cost. Our Ansan Data Center was awarded 1st grade in preliminary certification under the energy efficiency rating program and the highest grade in preliminary G-SEED (Green Standard for Energy&Environment Design) certification.

Eco-conscious Considerations for Our Ansan Data Center
A table explaining the Eco-conscious Considerations for Ansan Data Center by dividing them into three categories: Energy-saving architecture, Energy efficiency technology and Eco-conscious energy technology, and text showing the achievement of PUE 1.3 and below, a 15% reduction in carbon emissions, and a power consumption save by 30GWh

aerial view of Kakao Ansan Data Center surrounded by roads and trees
Efficient Data Center Operation

In addition to our owned data center fitted with eco-conscious designs, we also strive to mitigate the environmental impact of our leased data centers we are currently operating. These data centers are equipped with servers certified for their energy efficiency to manage the energy efficiency of servers and power supply units, and cooling devices were made more efficient by separating high temperature heat generated from servers from the cold air supplied by the cooling equipment to ultimately elevate the energy efficiency of their server rooms. Furthermore, the smart temperature management system
was deployed for server rooms to monitor temperature variations in real time and maintain optimal temperature/humidity levels.

Text of Energy Efficiency Certification Awarded to Servers and Power Supply Units including Energy Star, Power Supply Titanium Level Certified, and Power Supply Platinum Level Certified
Newly Leased Eco-conscious Data Center

Our new leased data center to be operable since Q2 of 2023 is equipped with a range of facilities to improve energy efficiency while reducing environmental impact.

A table introducing deploying renewable energy generators, introducing an eco-friendly fire extinguishant, deploying lighting brightness control and automatic lighting control functions, and reducing consumption
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