투자정보 본문
카카오는 투명 경영을 통한 기업가치 제고 및주주이익 극대화를 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
카카오 이사회는 현재 사내이사 3인과 사외이사 5인으로 구성되어 있으며, 이사회 내에 감사위원회, 보상위원회, 이사후보추천위원회, ESG위원회와 같이 4개의 소위원회를 두고 있습니다. 사외이사인 이사회 의장을 선임하는 등 투명 경영을 통한 기업가치 제고 및 주주 이익 극대화를 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
개최일자 | 의안내용 | 사외이사 |
1. Approval of the 2010 financial statements
2. The 16th annual shareholders’ meeting and its agenda 3. Cancellation of stock options grant - 20,422 stocks were involved: 4. Business review for 2010 and its 4th quarter |
Disposal of the remaining shares for ERGO Daum Direct General Insurance Co., Ltd.
- Amount involved: 12.4 billion won |
1. Appointment of board chairman, committee members and committee heads
- Appointed chairman: Peter Jackson 2. Appointment of CEO - Appointed CEO: Saehoon Choi 3. Retirement of shares - Kind & number of shares: 1000,000 shares of registered common stock, (Estimated amount: 9.83 billion won) |
Acquisition of shares for MyOne Card Corp. & partial business acquisition
- Acquired shareholding percentage: 67% |
1. Cancellation of stock options grant
- 5,330 shares were involved: 2. Business review for the 1st quarter of 2011 |
Business review for the 2nd quarter of 2011
1. Cancellation of stock options grant
-1,500 shares were involved: 2. Business review for the 3rd quarter of 2011 |
1. Acquisition of shares for OnNet Internet Entertainment
- Acquired shareholding percentage: 82.52% 2. Acquisition of its own stock - Purpose: payment for acquisition of another company stock - Expected amount: 12.87 billion won - Period: Dec23, 2011~ Mar 22, 2012 |
1. Headquarter movement to Jeju & establishment of branch office in Seoul
2. Approval of the 2011 financial statements 3. The 17th annual shareholders’ meeting and its agenda 4. Business review for 2011 and its 4th quarter |